Learn How To Build A 7 Figure Brand With My Proven Strategies! 

Apply to be apart of Him500's 7 Figure Club Mastermind where you will learn all the skills & strategies to scale and grow your business to the next level!
Only 20 Spots Available!



Get The Blueprint From An 8 Figure Earner

Thirty-two-year-old Marcus Barney is the founder and CEO of Recession Proof, a multi-million dollar financial literacy program and credit specialist firm. The company provides entrepreneurs with specialized tools, strategies, and financial resources that can be used to scale businesses. However, his main focus is to teach his mentees how to leverage credit to create generational wealth.

Marcus was born and raised in Stockton, California. His first business was at sixteen. He and some friends would go around to auctions buyer cars before flipping them for a profit. At the age of eighteen, he studied for and acquired the State of California Real Estate License.

As of now, Recession Proof has helped over 50 people step away from their -5 jobs to take control of their time, with many of those individuals going on to become millionaires.

The company has garnered $20 million worth of start-up capital, which went into helping over 200 entrepreneurs launch their businesses. Recession Proof provides its clients with the resources needed to reach success and feel empowered.
"My program is designed not only to develop new streams of income but to also restructure the way most of us have be trained to operate financially!"

7 Figure Club Mastermind Breakdown

How To Get Paid To Create A Course

Learn how to take your knowledge and turn it into a structured program that gives you the flexibility to document what you know and get paid for changing lives.

How To Make Passive Income From Your Knowledge

Now that you have taken your knowledge and strategically mapped it out, it's time to start getting paid. During this mastermind, you will learn how to turn your knowledge into profit.

How To Structure Profitable Ads

Ready to amplify your sales? Well you need paid ads to add gasoline to the flames. You've made some money and now you are ready to take it to the next level. Get the proper structure for setting a foundation for scalability. 

Mastermind Network w/ High Level Entrepreneurs ONLY

Ever heard of the saying "GET IN THE ROOM." This is your chance to network with High level entrepreneurs from all walks of life. This alone will change the trajectory of your business.

8 Figure Brand Development & Strategies

Get direct access to my entire blueprint on how I built a 8 figure brand online in less than 2 years. The strategies implemented are game changing & the question is... Are You Next?

How To Monetize Events w/ Celebrities & w/o Celebrities

The reason our events get so much publicity and credibility is because of our strategic alliances. Not that you need it to be successful, but what we are teaching is a guaranteed way to make sure people are lining up at the door for the next event.

Quarterly In Person Masterminds

Zoom meetings are cool, but there's something different about meeting in person. Being able to shake hands and put names to faces makes it all worth it. The quarterly masterminds will be exclusive to this group only and there could be potential guests blessing the group.

Access To Him500’s Resources

Most people have the hustle and the grind, but the one thing that most lack is.... RESOURCES. The goal is to give your business the RESOURCES that it needs to propel to the next level.

Check Out These Digital Entrepreneurs Who've Had Success

With The Same Program That You're Applying For Right Now!

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